Calle Monroy is located in Tenerife. It is 748.2 meters long with an average gradient of 25.8% and a maximum gradient of 35.5%. Find similar hills.
View this hill in the BRENTACOL Toolkit!Calle Monroy is a serious challenge the previous claimants to the title “steepest hill in the world.†Based on available data, Canton and Fargo are probably a little bit steeper, top to bottom. Calle Monroy, however, is almost a half-mile at 26% (i.e. 5 times as long)! The last half of the climb is mostly over 30%, so I’m guessing you could easily pick out a 1/10 mile section that would beat either Canton or Fargo. This also means that this hill gains almost the exact same vertical distance as Mount Tom in half the distance. I mean, really. Most people – most of my cyclist friends – have never done a hill harder than Mount Tom.